Shakespeare Explained

29 April at 10:00am–1:00pm

Does Shake­speare feel like a for­eign lan­guage?

Fear not, Tama­ra’s Tuition has designed a three hour work­shop just for you.

If you are study­ing Shake­speare and are in year 11 or 12 this is the work­shop to answer all your ques­tions.

Unlock the code and dis­cov­er the elu­sive beau­ty of Shake­speare.

If you are study­ing Mac­beth or Ham­let you need to be at this work­shop.

In three hours we will:

*make sense of Shake­speare’s lan­guage
*under­stand the impor­tance of con­text
*explain the major themes and how they relate to mod­ern times
*emu­late Shake­speare’s writ­ing for imag­i­na­tive response assess­ment

After this work­shop you will have the meth­ods to decode Shake­speare and you will feel con­fi­dent about your assess­ments.

Heck, you might even start to love Shake­speare!

Register Your Interest

* indi­cates required

Let me know when there are work­shops in: *
Email For­mat