Writing Workshop for year 10, 11 and 12 Students

Sunday, 7 May, 2017 or Sunday, 28 May, 2017

Par­ents, this is the work­shop to help your child get over the assign­ment writ­ing hur­dle. As an expe­ri­enced Eng­lish teacher I know how and why stu­dents strug­gle. I have con­densed years of teach­ing and tutor­ing into this high impact one day work­shop designed to help stu­dents with the first assign­ments for 2017.

Back by pop­u­lar demand. Here’s a clip about the same work­shop I ran in Feb­ru­ary.

Stu­dents will spend the day get­ting to grips with the nit­ty grit­ty of how to write great sen­tences, para­graphs and whole essays. Bet­ter still, they will start work on their own assign­ments, launch­ing them into 2017 with a fly­ing start.

Does that sound bet­ter than pulling your hair out, urg­ing a reluc­tant stu­dent to get on with it?
In a small group set­ting we will cov­er all the steps need­ed to cre­ate high-impact pur­pose­ful writ­ing.

  1. Under­stand­ing Assess­ment Ques­tions
  2. Log­i­cal Argu­ments
  3. Writ­ing Per­sua­sive­ly
  4. Point­ed Para­graphs
  5. Effi­cient Research Skills
  6. Select­ing and Using Evi­dence
  7. Pre­pare for QCS writ­ing tasks

This work­shop is led by Tama­ra Playne, a reg­is­tered sec­ondary Eng­lish teacher, expe­ri­enced in help­ing stu­dents of all lev­els improve their Eng­lish.

Stu­dents should bring along their cur­rent assess­ment tasks and will work on their assess­ment on the day.

The work­shop will take place at The Space at Wyn­num, which is an excel­lent air-con­di­tioned learn­ing envi­ron­ment.

Places are strict­ly lim­it­ed to enable indi­vid­u­alised atten­tion.

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