Category: tuition

Ten Ways to Spell Well

            Ten Ways to Spell Well Tech­niques for you and your child to use at home to improve spelling and make it less of a chore.  

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Year 10 student

I got an A- for the assess­ment piece you helped me with… thanks for all your help and see you next year.

Active Reading Bookmark

Read­ing will be more mean­ing­ful with this handy book­mark to prompt you. Active Read­ing Book­mark    

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The Ultimate Guide to Shakespeare

If you want to get real­ly clear com­pre­hen­sive expla­na­tions of any Shake­speare text, get thee to this site with haste. Why is this site pos­si­bly the best Shake­speare stu­dent resource? You can look up any play and find a

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Year 9 Student

Thanks to Tama­ra’s Tuition, I received an A- on my Eng­lish Oral. Teacher Com­ments “You made good use of a Pow­er­Point which was visu­al­ly appeal­ing. You spoke well, with clar­i­ty, pace and used pace/pause for effect. You estab­lished eye con­tact

Top Three Tips for Better Sentences

Is your sen­tence over 3 lines long? Then it’s prob­a­bly best to make two sen­tences instead. Are your sen­tences too short? Lots of short sen­tences in a for­mal ana­lyt­i­cal piece can make your analy­sis seem shal­low. Try adding ‘but’, ‘because’

Six Ways to Unlock a Poem

Take a foren­sic approach. Each time you read the poem you will gath­er more clues. You will need to read the whole poem six times. Even­tu­al­ly you’ll have enough clues to get the intend­ed mean­ing. Now I don’t often give

Year 9 Student

Thanks so much for your recent help with my Eng­lish Assign­ment. It was because of your help that I got an A. So Hap­py!

Year 10 Student

I real­ly enjoyed the exam­ples you gave of how to make it bet­ter which helped me learn from my mis­takes.

Justine Kennedy

Thank you for all the help and sup­port you have giv­en our son over the last few weeks. You have had a huge impact on his out­look towards Eng­lish, not sure how you did it but thank you.

Never underestimate the power of encouragement.